
Long Red Tunnel 「Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine」

Visit Fushimi・Uji

Walk on the Omotesandoh street

Roumon, the two storied gate stands at the entrance of Fushimi Inari Taisha. The gate is the second oldest building after the main building and is one of the largest gates in Japan. It is registered as an important cultural property of Japan.

Various fox statues

There are various fox statues in the shrine. Each fox has many objects in its mouth such as a key, ball etc The fox with the scroll is a sign of wisdom and the fox with a rice crop in its mouth was made to wish for a harvest.

The gate that separates the world of gods and the world of people, "Senbon Torii" (Thousand Torii)

The tunnel with approximate 1,000 Torii fills your view in red. People stop here overwhelmed at the view. Once you step into the street of torii, you may feel that you have stepped into some kind of spiritual world.

Spiritual vermilion street

The thousand Torii street keeps on going. The further you go the less crowded the street gets. Sometimes the soft wind blows against the trees and the leaves fall on upon the torii street.

The unique Fox "Ema"

"Ema" is a board with a picture which is used for praying or telling your appreciation to the gods. The ema in this shrine is shaped like a fox. The ema that are seen here come in various expressions and it is fun just looking at the many types of foxes printed on the ema.

Name of the facility Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine
Address 〒612-0882 68 Fukakusa Yabunouchi-machi, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto city, Kyoto
Tell 075-641-7331
Nearest station Close to JR Nara line「Inari-eki」station 5 minutes on foot from Keihan train「Fushimi Inari-eki 」station.
Nearest bus stop 7 minutes on foot from Kyoto city bus「Inaritaisha-mae」bus stop
Regular holiday Open everyday